Awards Definitions & Eligibility

In order for a creation to be eligible for an award, your display must be completed by 5 pm the evening before the official event starts. The official start date reflects the open-to-public dates and times as advertised.

The GBC is the only category that is exempted from the 5 pm deadline. Due to the nature of the GBC, the display must be functioning one hour prior to the official opening day of the event. During the judging of the GBC modules, each module must have a successful run on its first attempt.

If a creation has been at The Ultimate Brick Show the prior year(s), it will only be eligible for an award if it has undergone significant modification. Determination of whether modifications are significant is the sole responsibility of the judges. Collaborative displays are exempted from this eligibility restriction to encourage continued building in that theme. Collaborative builds can also receive both a layout award; as well as the theme award that the creation represents.

Not all categories will be awarded at every event. So always build your best!

Best Small Mosaic

Award for best creation or recreation of a two-dimensional image 4,250 studs or smaller.

Best Large Mosaic

Award for best creation or recreation of a two-dimensional image 4,251 studs or larger.

Best Artwork

Award for best non-mosaic artwork. Creations in this category will be judged based on both the building technique and the message/content of the work. Entries must be able to hang on a wall.

Best Star Wars

Award for best Star Wars creation, this can be in any scale.

Best Small MOC

Award for best small MOC that is built by a single person. This MOC can be a singular large build, or a series of builds that add up to a single uniform layout. Small is generally under 6 - 32x32 baseplates.

Best Large MOC

Award for best large moc that is built by a single person. This MOC can be a singular large build, or a series of builds that add up to a single uniform layout. Large MOC is generally 6 - 32x32 or more baseplates.

Best GBC Module

Award for best Great Ball Machine (GBC) module that shows the most innovation, imagination, and originality. Reliability and overall apparel are key factors. T

Best of Show

Awarded for the creation/layout that is considered the best display at the event. This takes into consideration both attendee and public interest and excitement.

Youngest Displayer

Awarded to the youngest displayer, not the young at heart.

Most Original

Award for best original design. This can be on any scale.

Best Mechanical

This award refers to a creation with a mechanical function that displays complex mechanics in motion or in moving an object. It may or may not be computerized. But, computer control of simple motion is not the same as a complex mechanical motion. Looks of the creation are a very minor consideration for judging and should be a minor consideration when placing your vote. This category is not about the best-looking creation with movement. It is about being the most mechanically imaginative. This creation can be included as part of a layout and nominated separately from the layout.

Best Humor

Award for best humorous creation.

Best Special Effects

Award for best creation that has added special effects, such as motion, lights, and/or sound. This award is aimed at builds that incorporate elements beyond just the brick building techniques to enhance the presentation or overall concept of the build.

Best Medieval

Award for best medieval building creation, this can be in any scale and any size and includes castle and fantasy genres.

Best Building

Award for best building, non-medieval, creation. Buildings are defined as any minifig-scale with a small or large footprint, regardless of scale. This is a single building only.

Best Group Layout

Award for best Group layout, built by a large group of builders that create the most impressive and/or striking group creation. A large group is generally 4 or more builders.

Best Small Group Layout

Award for best Group layout, built by a small group of builders that create the most impressive and/or striking group creation. Small groups are generally 3 or fewer builders.

Best Display

Awarded to the person/group that does the most to make a display accessible to the widest variety of people, which may include viewing angles for people in a wheelchair or young children, playable features, etc.

This also includes your participation with the crowd.

This award is as much about the person/people tending the display as the actual display. The person/people must display a Christ-like attitude towards others. They must also represent the same values held by The Ultimate Brick Show by treating others with respect and kindness.

The creation can be awarded multiple years.